Finding Freedom For Every Dollar
By working together to set others free, we will find ourselves more free too. So come and join us on this journey to freedom.

100% Model!
What is a 100% model? It is a model we know you will love. we have private funders who cover our administrative expenses so that 100% of every public donation goes directly to our projects to end exploitation in North Africa! What does this mean? That every penny you give, is directly going to the girls in crisis. There are no percentages taken out for salaries, or admin fees. ALL of it goes to rescuing, healing, and restoring these girls to the dignity intended for all humanity!
Jan 2018-2019
Jan 2019-2020
Jan 2020-2021
Jan 2021-2022
We had 4 girls to start when we first opened the home, and 1 house mom, 1 Director. Our total expenses were : $36,860.87
We were able to add 2 more girls to have a total of 6 in our home and because of donors like you, we were able to add and train a new House mom and had 2 directors (one for US one for North Africa)! Our total expenses were: $54,763.00
We were able to double the number of girls in our home from when we first started. To a total of 8 girls with space for 1 emergency housing. We added 2 part-time local staff and 2 support staff. Our Total expenses were: $77,796.29
We have space for 8-10 girls in our home, with 1 emergency space. We have trained two more part-time house moms in trauma counseling (total of 4). We offer extra aid to girls at-risk due to COVID19. We have added 2 more US staff and are working to open a 2nd home in another city in 2023!
Our Total expenses were: $110,527