About Us
Our Story
We currently support one Transition Home in Morocco since opening in 2018. Our hope is to expand into other Moroccan cities and then other North African countries to help fight against the terrible injustice of human trafficking. Our story began when our Founder, Lauren saw human trafficking for the first time, meeting a child house maid.
Who We Are
Beauty for Ashes is a US based non-profit 501-c3 working in North Africa.
We want to end exploitation, one girl at at time by breaking the cycle of vulnerability in their lives. We seek to prevent, rescue, and restore victims of human trafficking to the dignity intended to all humanity.
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Our vision is a world without exploitation. We believe by breaking the cycle of vulnerability in one person’s life it will lead to the transformation of an entire family, the generations that follow, and communities and nations in which they live.
We prevent exploitation and restore victims of human trafficking by breaking the cycle of vulnerability and empowering them to live flourishing lives through Transition Homes for girls full of love, mentorship, counseling, education and self-sustaining assistance.
What We Do
Transition Home
Providing safe shelter, food, and loving family environment to learn and grow and heal.
BFA works to bring awareness to every person of human trafficking. We help each young woman to find and pursue her passions through a individualized education plan.
Building A Community
We proudly encourage community in all areas of our work. In the Transition Home, working with business partners, organizations, and with you!
Transition Homes
Everyone needs safe, decent and stable housing, with an atmosphere of love to learn and grow in. We are the first and only Transition Home for at-risk girls in North Africa. All of our girls would be forced onto the streets without Beauty For Ashes Transition home. Our home provides for their immediate and basic needs, but our efforts go much deeper and further too.
Each girl who comes to our home receives: A room, clothes, food, medical care, personalized education plan, trauma based counseling, language tutoring, Mom mentorship, help finding a job, and transitioning into society.
Our home is a safe place for girls to discover their value and identity. To have a space where they are not worried about how they will survive the night, and can for the first time dream of their future and who they want to be.
What Our Transition Home Provides
House moms & trauma counseling
We have House Moms, who live in the home to care for the girls needs and guide them on their education and healing plan.
Basic Needs
We provide food, shelter, and clothing - basic needs so that they can focus on healing and growing.
Medical Care
We provide medical care including trauma counseling, and help seeing any necessary doctors.
We provide an individualized education plan to see them through their education to the job they desire to have in order to live safe and free lives.
Job acquisition
We provide aide while they transition into society into their new jobs and into their new housing until they are sustainable on their own.

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of vulnerability through the generations. Not only does education bring opportunity, identity, dignity and possibilities to exploited girls, but education can transform you and me. Without awareness that modern day slavery exists, we would not see the need.
Each girl in our home receives an individualized education plan. We believe each girl is gifted, valuable and has something worth while to offer the world and we work to help her discover her ability and work towards her future. We work with them until they have completed their education and help them find a sustainable job. We also highly value educating the community around us. Without awareness of human trafficking and the help of the community we will never see the end of exploitation.
Prevention Education is also a big part of our work. Since all of our girls come from a government center where most only have an elementary education, we offer weekly classes to these girls still in the center. They learn about their own vulnerabilities, traffickers traps and most importantly their value.
In the US we are developing a prevention curriculum geared for parents and teens together. This 5 session curriculum will enable parents and teens to learn about and tackle this issue together. (Look for this resource launching this winter!)
We believe ending exploitation cannot be done by any one means, it must be done in community - by everyone. Our heart is to create communities unified by the passion to end exploitation. We are created for connection, and we can do more for each other and together than we can apart.
We proudly encourage community in all areas of our work. In the Transition Home we provide a family unit experience, with house moms to care and support the girls. We work diligently on growing healthy strong relationships with the other girls and Moms. We also partner with our local community to provide medical, educational, vocational, and other needs for the girls. In the U.S. we love the community we are building around a shared passion to end exploitation.
Community members are a group of people who volunteer their time, talents, or money to this work of helping end exploitation.
"I love being a part of this community where I know 100% of my gifts are going directly to girls in need." ~Tricia Duke

"We believe in breaking the cycle of vulnerability so we don't just free the one, we free the generations to come."
-Chrissy Duke (President)